Category Archives: Lasers

Unconventional uses for lasers and optics

I think many people don’t understand how and why lasers and optics are important in our lives. We all probably know about CD readers and laser hair removal, but there are a myriad of applications and uses for lasers that … Continue reading

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My presentation at HILAS 2020

Yesterday, Monday 16 Nov 2020, I presented a talk “Electron acceleration with high-intensity radially-polarized laser beams having spatio-temporal couplings” at the remote High-intensity Lasers and High-field Phenomena (HILAS) meeting, part of the High-brightness Sources & Light-driven Interactions Congress. This was … Continue reading

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Why the Laser is Important

As I head down the rabbit hole of my own bias, I hope to explain why the laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is so important. I am a practicing laser physicist, and have already given short arguments … Continue reading

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