Author Archives: spencerjolly

Personal Thoughts on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

A few weeks ago the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists for their experimental work founding the field of attosecond science. (can you believe that “attosecond” is actually shown as a typo when drafting this?) This is … Continue reading

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Favorite Photonics Publications of 2022

This is an exercise that I really enjoy, reviewing the publications that got me excited over the past year. There are a few “big deal” results, that may have even made it into the general press, but there are also … Continue reading

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Authorship in academic publishing

Besides all of the problems there may be with academic publishing from the point of view of readers, editors, and authors (in general) there are also often specific issues related to authorship on scientific papers and the related level of … Continue reading

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Problems with academic publishing

I wrote almost one year ago why I thought Plan S wasn’t the right solution for moving towards more open access to scientific publications. I generally stand by my points made in that post, but since then there have been … Continue reading

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Photonics news and publications so far in 2021

Here is a brief “digest” of photonics/lasers/physics news and publications that interested me so far in 2021. Feel free to make a comment if you have reactions or any of your own news or publications to add. — Photonics news: … Continue reading

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Unconventional uses for lasers and optics

I think many people don’t understand how and why lasers and optics are important in our lives. We all probably know about CD readers and laser hair removal, but there are a myriad of applications and uses for lasers that … Continue reading

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My presentation at HILAS 2020

Yesterday, Monday 16 Nov 2020, I presented a talk “Electron acceleration with high-intensity radially-polarized laser beams having spatio-temporal couplings” at the remote High-intensity Lasers and High-field Phenomena (HILAS) meeting, part of the High-brightness Sources & Light-driven Interactions Congress. This was … Continue reading

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Interesting open source and free tutorial sites

I just wrote about how I think Plan S is not the right solution for open science. This may be a controversial opinion, but rather than focusing on that, I want to focus on what we can add to the … Continue reading

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Why I think Plan S is not the right solution

There has been a lot of discussion about open science in the last years, and rightfully so. With the ever-increasing importance of science and technology in our everyday lives, and especially the public interest in the science regarding the understanding … Continue reading

Posted in Science | 2 Comments

Favorite Publications, Q1+Q2+Q3 2020

Well… what a strange year 2020 has been so far. But, science publication is still going on, with many publishers not only continuing to work at full speed despite the workforce being largely at home, but some even working more … Continue reading

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